Fraud Detection Alert: How To Protect Yourself

  Realtors, Buyers and Sellers – be vigilant!  As a party to a real estate transaction, you may be targeted by fraudsters and you must be extra cautious to protect yourself!  Fraudsters can hack into your email account and they wait for big life events, such as...

EClosings: A New Digital Era for North Carolina Is Coming

  I wish I had a dollar every time a client asked me at the closing table “Why so much paper?” or “I just bought my car signing on an iPad at the dealership, why can I not do that for my home?”  These are valid questions.  Most of what we do in life now is...

HOA Mythbusters

  Many people want a home that isn’t governed by an HOA, but that is very unlikely in our area. HOAs, Homeowner’s Associations, are everywhere and it is vital that you know what you can and cannot do when it comes to payments and involvement. Here are a few myths...