Best Practices
Best Practices
We have implemented multiple industry procedures to ensure your privacy and security. These include ALTA’s Best Practices, TRID, and Data Call. Powerful tools help us ensure that the largest transaction of your life is completed the right way the first time.
For example, weekly staff meetings and quarterly trainings keeps our team up-to-date on the latest industry requirements and company policies.
Here are a few of the ways we have gone above and beyond industry requirements to protect you and your information:
- Secure website – We want to protect your information from the moment you first contact us.
- Secure email – Much of today’s wire fraud originates in email. We only send secure emails.
- Vulnerability scan – We hired a third-party compliance firm to conduct routine assessments. They evaluate our systems to ensure hackers do not have easy access to sensitive information.
- Firewall – Call us overprotective, but we have a firewall as added security for all internet traffic going in and coming out.
- Frequent backups – We frequently back up your data to prevent data loss in the event of a disaster.
- Cybersecurity insurance – We also carry cyber insurance to protect any affected parties if there ever was a data breach.
- Clean-desk policy – It is company policy to lock up all files and paperwork each night.
Jackson Law Privacy Policy
Confidentiality is an essential term of employment with the firm. All employees of Jackson Law are required by company policy and, when applicable, the NC State Bar Code of Ethics to keep all matters related to the business of clients confidential. The employee must not, at any time during his/her employment with the Firm or following the resignation or termination of employment for any reason, directly or indirectly, disclose to any third party or permit any third party to access any confidential information. Jackson Law will never disclose client information to third parties unless mandated by a court order or in conjunction with carrying out normal business duties in accordance with the Firm’s representation.