by Cara Gibbons | May 16, 2024 | Blog
By the time my office gets a contract for a closing a lot has happened that we are typically not a part of and truthfully, after reading this blog, I hope changes for many people. One of those particularly important things is the execution and drafting of the...
by Cara Gibbons | Nov 9, 2023 | Blog
Two things in life are certain: death and taxes. The tax part, at least, is also true for every real property transaction. It can be very confusing for both the buyer and seller side, so buckle up because this blog will help simplify a few things for you and your...
by Cara Gibbons | Oct 5, 2023 | Blog
The real estate market is such a hot topic. Tune into the nightly news, pull up an online article, or just walk into your local coffee shop. Everyone is constantly talking about interest rates and whether or not right now is a good time to buy or sell. Look at this...
by Cara Gibbons | Aug 24, 2023 | Blog
I’ve tried very hard to educate my staff that there are a lot of aspects of a real estate transaction that we cannot control, but communication is not one of them. Even if I’m telling you that there is nothing new to report, I’m at least telling you that. There is...
by Cara Gibbons | Jul 27, 2023 | Blog
Closing on a home whether you’re the buyer or the seller, can seem like a daunting process. The amount of time and effort both sides put into it even before a contract is executed seems insurmountable. But for both parties, once the contract is executed and the time...