Elizabeth Boyette

One of the easiest things to put off is executing your estate plan, but there are many reasons to put it at the top of your list for 2023! As estate planning attorneys, we are used to being on the long “to-do” list but waiting too long to act can drastically increase liability for your family in the future.

Every week, we receive calls from families who have lost loved ones unexpectedly who failed to put proper planning in place. It is easy to assume that catastrophes will never happen to you and put off planning for “someday,” but the reality is that none of us are immune from the pitfalls of life. When clients pass away without a proper estate plan in place, their families frequently must pay large sums in attorneys fees and spend significant hours trying to piece together their assets to transfer them to intended beneficiaries and heirs.

One of the most selfless acts that you can do this new year is to execute a proper estate plan for the benefit of your loved ones. In addition to signing the will or trust-based plan that is right for you, you can begin to organize your accounts to ensure that all possible have up-to-date beneficiary designations.

To encourage our friends and colleagues to update or execute a new estate plan as part of their resolutions, Jackson Law is offering a 10% discount to all clients who execute and pay for their plan prior to March 31st, 2023. Call us today at (919) 438-2005, or email us at elizabeth@jacksonlawnc.com and reference this post to get started!

With this knowledge, now you can Rest Easy.

Rest Easy Rundown