by Cara Gibbons | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog
One of my favorite stories from closing (I honestly still twitch thinking about it) is the day I had to mediate a fight between buyers and sellers over a blueberry bush. This was not any blueberry bush, it was a sentimental blueberry bush. The sellers wanted to take...
by Cara Gibbons | May 18, 2023 | Blog
In a time when we have a busy market with low inventory, everything seems frantic. Once a buyer finds their dream home, it’s human nature to want it at all costs. Buyers are then asking their real estate agent, what can we do to stand out? How can we present the...
by Cara Gibbons | Apr 13, 2023 | Blog
There’s a lot of things in life where just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. I try and teach my children this daily. Some examples of that can be: 1. Can you cut your own bangs? Sure. But should you? My middle school yearbook picture will answer...
by Cara Gibbons | Mar 9, 2023 | Blog
Every state is different when it comes to real estate transactions. Some states you’ll close with an attorney, and some states you’ll close with a title company. Some states have “escrow” periods, and some states have built in financing contingencies. What you...
by Cara Gibbons | Feb 2, 2023 | Blog
I call transactional real estate law “happy law.” I say this because in my line of work everyone has the same goal. Everyone signed up for the transaction. Buyers want to buy and sellers want to sell (generally speaking). Because of North Carolina law, I get the...