by jacksonlaw | Mar 27, 2020 | TRID
If the amount you pay at closing exceeds the amounts disclosed on the Loan Estimate – beyond tolerance limits for each category – the creditor must REFUND the excess to you no later than 60 calendar days after loan consummation. For charges subject...
by jacksonlaw | Mar 27, 2020 | TRID
Yes, within defined limits. Service charges for which YOU shop and select a provider may change; the creditor is NOT responsible for providers who are NOT on their written list. In addition, prepaid interest, property insurance premiums and escrow or reserve...
by jacksonlaw | Mar 27, 2020 | TRID
The Loan Estimate documents the essential facts and terms of an approved real estate loan. It includes: loan terms projected payments and loan costs cash and costs at closing time the services for which you CAN and CANNOT shop in relation to the loan summary...
by jacksonlaw | Mar 27, 2020 | TRID
Under the TRID rule, creditors must retain Escrow Cancellation and Partial Payment Policy disclosures for two years; Loan Estimate records for three years after loan consummation and Closing Disclosures for FIVE years. If a creditor sells or transfers their...
by jacksonlaw | Mar 27, 2020 | TRID
“Business day” is defined slightly differently for Loan Estimates and Closing Disclosures. For Loan Estimates, each day on which a creditor’s offices are open to the public count as a business day. Loan estimates must be delivered or placed in...
by jacksonlaw | Mar 27, 2020 | TRID
If your loan is approved, on the terms you requested the creditor is required to provide a Loan Estimate within 3 business days. If they determine that your application will not or cannot be approved they do not have to provide a Loan Estimate. Likewise, if you...