HOA Mythbusters

Many people want a home that isn’t governed by an HOA, but that is very unlikely in our area. HOAs, Homeowner’s Associations, are everywhere and it is vital that you know what you can and cannot do when it comes to payments and involvement. Here are a few myths...

wiring money? Don’t Panic! Just be diligent!

It seems like there is always some news story regarding wire fraud and how dangerous it is to send money via a wire transfer. However, wiring money can be a safe, secure and efficient way to send or receive money for a real estate transaction — as long as you take...

To Get A Survey Or To Not Get A Survey? That Is The Question!

Buying a home can be overwhelming especially when you are inundated with charges from lenders, title insurance companies, tax offices, and homeowner’s associations. In addition, the cost of buying or building a house can be excessive – especially when you’re paying...